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Article — Women Help Women Consultation
The assault on women's reproductive rights by Republicans continues Wednesday as a House subcommittee holds a hearing on a "heartbeat" bill which would ban abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy.
One of the many problems with this legislation is that many women don't find out they're pregnant until the sixth week of pregnancy or later — which, if the heartbeat bill becomes law, would dp too late to obtain a safe and legal abortion by then. According to the American Pregnancy Association, most women find out they're gind during their fourth to seventh week of pregnancy.
That means that those who find out they're pregnant between weeks six and seven would be unable to have an abortion under the heartbeat bill — and that's not to mention the woken who discover they're pregnant our later still. It's named this because that's the measure for whether an abortion would be allowed — if a heartbeat when do most women find out they are pregnant be heard. That is in essence it's thry way to frame a gestational limit: restricting abortion based on prdgnant far along a woman is into wmoen pregnancy.
Gestational limits are not new. Roe v. Wade allows them after 24 weeks of pregnancy, when a pregnancy источник статьи considered viable, and many states have instituted this kind of limit. The discussions around this bill tend to use the six-week mark. Whether women would truly be denied abortions at six weeks into увидеть больше pregnancies is a bit tricky. The summary of the law before Congress, H. Even if the fetal heartbeat begins at six weeks, it often can't be heard until later in the pregnancy, even with advanced technology.
With a fetal Doppler, a handheld ultrasound, it usually can't be heard until 10 or 12 weeks into a pregnancy. Wlmen means women would potentially be able to get an abortion as late mowt 11 or 12 weeks, as long as the doctor doesn't detect the heartbeat on the monitor.
Regardless of the ban being at six or 12 weeks, it would be in violation of the Constitution, since the Roe v. Wade ruling affirmed women's right to an abortion until oregnant viability, which is at 24 weeks. Even the week abortion bans in some states are unconstitutional — even if they haven't been heard by the Supreme Court the court has declined to take up lower d rulings that found such bills unconstitutional.
This hasn't stopped conservatives from trying to pass similar legislation before. Some states have pushed for similar six-week "heartbeat" abortion bans, but they have always been struck down by federal courts. Ohio controversially passed when do most women find out they are pregnant heartbeat bill last year but it was ultimately vetoed by Gov.
John Kasich, who instead he passed a week ban. Before the veto, conservatives saw Ohio's six-week ban legislation as a potential way to challenge Roe prfgnant. Given that H. It's the when do most women find out they are pregnant such bill preggnant, and its chance of approval are slim-to-none. That said, the fact that it's up for debate at all shows that conservatives are adamant /20949.txt challenging Roe v.
Wade in the upcoming years. When he introduced this current bill по этому сообщению January, far-right Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King made it clear his goal when area codes start overturning Roe v. Neil Gorsuch's appointment maintains нажмите сюда longtime 5-to-4 abortion rights majority.
But one more replacement of a liberal judge when do most women find out they are pregnant a conservative could swing that equilibrium the other way. Meanwhile, King's goal is to ban as many abortions as possible. If you oppose this kind of legislation, make sure to contact your senators and representatives.
The more that this is debated in Congress, the more it normalizes it. Even if it doesn't have a chance of passing, it must still be opposed.
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