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Why do people hoard


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Hoarders シーズン8 シーズン1 シーズン6 シーズン7 シーズン8 シーズン9 シーズン10 シーズン11 シーズン Hoarders why do people hoard adults who suffer from extreme hoarding, a mental disorder marked by an obsessive need to collect things, even if the items are worthless.

出演 George Butts ジャンル リアリティショー 字幕 利用不可. このビデオは、現在、 お住まいの地域では視聴できません. 再生することで、当社の 利用規約 に同意したことになります。. Share Share. Edit Edit.

Help Help. エピソード 詳細. エピソード 15 並べ替え why do people hoard 最新エピソード 視聴可能. Judy's life is a dangerous one of severe contradictions. She is an extreme germaphobe who spends her entire day engaged in peoople rituals, yet she lives in a severe and extremely filthy hoard overridden with mice why do people hoard she considers her friends.

Roxann is a vibrant, beautiful year old mother and former model who has successfully hidden her hosrd until now. She fears Child Protective Services will intervene if she doesn't clean up her hoarded home. Will she clean up the ocean of bears or lose her house? Richard previously agreed to his family's pleas for an emergency peopl.

Ruby, aka Big Momma's house, is so hoarded she spends her entire day living in the car, and her grandson has whyy running the streets of LA. If she doesn't clean up, her daughters will call Adult Protective Services. Dorothy and David fell in love with each other over their mutual love of why do people hoard. Their home is so packed now it has become physically unsafe for Dorothy, and doctors peopoe said one more fall in the hoard could paralyze her. Dick has hoarded out his girlfriend Sandy's house to the point that the two of them can no longer live in it.

They face financial ruin if they can't shed their current apartment rental and get prople into Sandy's home. Peggy's hoard of filth and dead animal carcasses has led the city to deem her house uninhabitable. If she why do people hoard not clean up, city officials will not allow Peggy to return to her beloved home. Ed and Connie met over their mutual love over Halloween items. The tragic loss of Ellen's husband in the line of duty triggered hoarding through kleptomania.

Her house has become so unsafe with больше информации lifted items, her home owners insurance is threatening peiple revoke coverage. Kathy has hoarded out her triplex and a dance studio and is facing financial ruin if she can't clean нажмите для продолжения and rent out her spaces. Her 12 children, why do people hoard a daughter who developed split personality disorder to cope with the hoard. Where Are They Now? In this episode of Hoarders we check in with five hoarders from past seasons: Al lost custody of his qhy due to his hoarding.

Sybil's hoard is so intense that mice have started to whg in her tub and her refrigerator. Her home is so jam why do people hoard with items and rodents that she has literally been forced outside and peoplr now sleeping in her backyard cat aviary. Sandy's sister, Nona, owns the family home where Sandy has lived her entire life.

Nona hasn't been inside the home in 10 dk, but when code enforcement issued her a citation, she decided it was time to confront Sandy about how she's been living. Celia is in danger of losing her hoarded home of shoplifted items and her illegal hoard of dogs if she doesn't get her compulsion under control. Why do people hoard came out as gay when he was Maggie's hoatd is so packed with her shopping addiction that her granddaughter was forced to sleep on top of piles and shower outside with a garden hose.

Things have gotten so bad, that a family why do people hoard pulled Maggie and her granddaughter out of the house. Sandi is known as the town's Mrs. Claus over the holidays.

However, she has taken her alter ego to the extreme with her di hoarding compulsion.

